Saturday, May 5, 2012

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

Im a guy, and i have semi-long hair. all kinds off people have complimented my hair and said I look much better with it longer than short. I like it better long. However my girlfriend of 2 years wants me to chop it off and get a "fade" hair cut that 70% of guys have and I hate. I dont like the feeling of short hair but she says if i leave it long, no more kisses or "making whoopie"untill its cut off. I really dont wanna cut it, but i want to do those things obviously.. so should I cut my hair for her or not? here are pictures of me with short and long hair:



Which do you think looks better on me? thank you =]

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

i dont know if you were the same age in both photos but you look so young with short hair and older with longer hair. i think defo keep longer hair looks much beter. ok but if you think aboiut it ur gf is blackmailing u into what she wants but at the end of the day its your hair so do what you wwant with it. if shes gonna deprive you of kisses of whatnot trhen shes being childish about the whole situation. yeo defo the long hair =)

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

deffiently longer!!!

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?


LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

I didn't look at you pic, but I love a bald fade on a guy.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

Unless you are gaius baltar, short.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

im rly sorry but i cannot look at the pics (cos my dad installed K9 and it blocks some sites..) but i usually like semi-long hair on guys :)

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

..Landon - keep it short...

that 2nd pic looks,

keep it short. good boy. now go home and stop putting pics. of yourself on the web before I tell your mom....I do know her.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

i like shorter but why don't you settle for a meduim and get a little bit off at a time

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

It's your hair. Do with it what you want. Your girlfriend is not with you because of your hair so tell her to drop it.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy? look feminine when it is longer!!

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

Deffiently longer ;o)

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

i generally like longer shaggier hair, but i think shorter looks better on you, but if your girlfriend only likes you for your haircut, i'm not sure thats being very supportive, but then again, if she cut her hair boyshort, how would you feel?

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

I love the short hair! The long hair makes you look sloppy. Besides, you should try to do things to make her happy just as she should.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

The shorter look is much better! It makes you look well-groomed and a gentleman. The other picture makes you look like a hood and immature.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

hi i think short hair suits u better!

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

short, maybe cut it really short, but not buzzed! and spike it, i like that look a lot. but dont do anything for her just bcuz, make sure u really wanna do this, otherwise u'r giving into her and she'll think that next time she can tell you to 'not hang out with them' or 'dont eat that' or other crap like that.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

Longer looks better but if you're doing it for her, then that's so sweet!

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?


LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

Out of those two pictures the short hair looks better...but the other one is out of focus and you have a hat on so it's hard to tell for sure! I typically like longer hair myself

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

longet f yo cute it you will look 10 so leave it long

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

Both lengths look good on you. At first I thought you were one of those "ponytail" guys, which is disgusting. But the length you have suits you fine.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

1) I can't tell a big difference between the two

2) I must be old because you don't look like you should be worried about "whoopie" (and who says that anymore??)

3) Do what your girl wants... or you have no girl... your choice :)

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

Your hair's not that long in the second photo.

You have a long face, so the longer hair suits you.

Your girlfriend sounds like a control freak. It's your hair, do what you want to do, but don't let some chick talk you into something you might regret.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

If you plan on getting any type of job that requires you to look professional any time soon then you are going to have to cut it anyway....why not compromise...try a nice trim getting it out of your beautifully expressive eyes....and then go from there...

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

Either if that is your picture. Both are hot. I love long hair though. It is probably my favorite. Whatever you decide dont base that decision on what your girl tells you to do. Whichever you like best is what you should keep. She should love you either way! Dont change for anyone.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

You look better with long hair! Shorter is good too but longer seems to fit you best.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

Well you looked kinda girly in the long hair pic but it has as much to do over the pose than the hair.

I had longer hair for years and now its shorter and a bit spikey.

Seemed people are split on whether they liked it long vs short,

Best advice I can give you? Keep it how YOU like it and if the GF cant accept it, then find a new gf. That goes for many aspects of your life. If you like doing something that aint immoral or illegle then do it and wait till you find someone that can accept you for who and what you are. You'll both be happier in the long run.

Ooops, sorry, didnt mean to get long

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

I like it shorter,you are a very good looking lad,dont have a fade hair cut though.

I hate men with really long hair,you know,when they put it in ponytails...yuk !!

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

Your first photo is great. Second photo is a little long in the front. You are a nice looking young man. You look older in the first photo.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

you look really young w/short hair.i'd say do whatever u want. she's kind of a conntrolling B*tch if she's gonna control how your hair looks and hold sex back from ya. If she loved ya she wouldn't care that much. she would let you decide. So i'd say leave it long if your happy with it long.

LADIES PLEASE HELP!!! Long hair vs. short hair on a guy?

i luv da longer 1 but if its what your GF wants cut it a little bit and see what she says.

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