Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

i asked this before but i want others to answer

I have seen little girls with hair as short as boys and if were not for what they had on i would not know thri gender. I know some children get gum in their hair, lice, have cancer or other explanable reason why they do not have hair but some parents cut their girls hair for not good reason why? if i had a little girl i would want her to look like a girl not a boy! if you have a girl wiht short hair why did you cut it (i mean above the ear short not long enough to put in a ponytail)

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

I don't really know. I think some people think girls with shorter hair is easier to take care of. I personally don't like to see the girls who's hair is so short, you can't tell if it's a girl or boy (to each their own) Short hair is OK, just not the boy cuts, lol.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

My mother cut my hair really short, so during the summer I wasn't so hot and I didn't have to keep messing with pony tails and braids. we lived in the desert and looking back it really did make sense.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

I know what you mean. I can only imagine it's because they don't want to have to untangle it and "fix it" everyday. Maybe it's just more convenient?

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

My parents cut my hair short until I was about 4. They said it makes your hair thicker, and they wanted me to have beautiful hair. I don't think it makes much sense, you'd think you would have to shave your head to make it thicker, but that's what they told me....

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

i can answer this b/c i have two girls with long hair! b/c most of them whine and cry when you comb their hair and you get sick of hearing it. My friend always cuts her girls hair really short and i'm guessing it's b/c its no hassle to her then, and she has less to do when getting them ready in the morning.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

because some kids are uncomfortable with long hair... and to make it look neat also

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

there is such a simple answer to that .they don,t want to take proper care of it. it's just too much trouble for (busy mothers to mess with)plane and simple

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

Let me tell you a story.................

When my daughter was little, like a toddler, I wanted to just let her hair grow and be long. I soon changed my mind when I could not get her to stop putting food in her hair. I had to wash it 3-5 times a day and she cried each time. I finally got tired of the crying and had it cut really short (a pixie) - no more food in the hair. It stayed short until she was old enough to take care of it herself. She was, and still is, one of three so everytime I had to wash her hair meant I was not paying attention to the other two (boys). The boys never got food in their hair - only my daughter.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

It may be because a lot of kids don't have the patience to wash and brush their hair. Kids can be pretty active, and little girl's hair can get all tangled up. It takes a while to brush through all of those knots.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

Why are you so against it? I mean it's their choice. I had short hair for years because my hair wouldn't grow. I would probably cut my daughters hair short too, when they are that young it's hard to take care of because it's so thin. Just chill out and let the parents take care of their own kids, you worry about yours.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

I haven't seen this trend in the area I live. See a lot of little girls with medium to long hair. I live in Ohio.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

When I was 7 my dad took me to get my hair cut...He wanted the "pixie" cut.. It was cute and easy to take care of. He was my primary caretaker, and didn't know how to do anything with my hair, so he thought it would be cute and easy. I hated it, because people thought I looked like a boy... :(

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

Because they have the power to.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

i have a 6 month old daughter and i agree with you girls should have longer hair. I think the most obvious reason people would do this is to not have to fuss over doing the childs hair daily. another reason is because less concerned parrents see thier neglect in the childs hair... by that i mean if you dont take the time to teach your child to brush her hair it will get all knotty and looks bad. I dont think that all people who cut thier daughters hair short are bad people and im sure some people have good legitmate reasons but some dont have any... just my thougts, take it or leave it

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

I have a 4 year old adopted sister with pretty hair and my mom wants to chop it off because she sticks it in her mouth and sucks on it. I told her not to because little girls need hair.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

My daughter twirled her hair on the right side so it broke off. her right side was above the ears and the left was close to her shoulders. even with short hair my daughter doesn't want to sit still while I brush it. (My son is the opposite, loves having hair brushed) It has also grown back in a little thicker then it was before. Also she didn't start getting hair till she was 16 months so I hated having to cut it at all. If I have another girl I'm going to shave her head day 1 and see if it will grow in any thicker.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

How in the world is that any concern of yours?

The child could have a hair type that just does not look good long. Depending on the child's age, it may be more that the hair hasn't grown out than that the parents cut it short. It may be easier to wash and fix. It may be a personal preference.

More likely than anything else, I think, is the possibility that the little girl cut her own hair (or another kid did it). When I was about four, a playmate and I cut our hair. I had my hair in pigtails that day, and the girl kind of shaped the haircut to shorten the pigtails. As long as it stayed in pigtails, it was fine, but that was the only way it could be fixed. When faced with having me in pigtails every day or cutting it all off and starting over completely, my mom chose the pigtails. I probably would have just cut the hair short.

But seriously, there is no reason why you need to feel this upset about girls with short hair. If you ever have a little girl, you get to have opinions about how she should wear her hair. Until then, find something real, that is your business, to have issues with.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

I had a pixie cut and I hated it. But, now when I look at my pics from back then, I think I looked rather adorable. In fact, I have a similar haircut now.

My mom had my hair cut because I would SCREAM and cry and jerk away any time she brushed my hair. After a while that got tiresome and old, so to the salon we went.

Glad I have boys!

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

I cut my daughter's hair because it was easier to take care of. The fact that you can't tell the gender when the hair is short is YOUR problem. Not our's.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

Not all hairstyles look nice on all children, just as long hair doesn't suit some adults.

My daughter has very fine hair and if I let it get too long it just hangs, looking dirty even though it's not. Her hair is so fine that not even barrettes will hold it, much less a headband or ponytail holder.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

Well my daughter cut off all her hair, It was a mess and I took her to the beauty shop to get it fixed, its been almost a yr now and I have to keep cutting it short because she messed it up bad. So i guess I do it to get it all even again...hope this helps..

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

shorter the hair better the health.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

my mother used to it to me because i would get so many knots in my hair

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

I guess some people just like that look. They must think it's easier to deal with than having to maintain longer hair on a child. Me personally, I would not cut a girl's hair that short, at least not if the child was young. If they were older, say junior high or so and REALLY wanted the hair cut, it would be their choice. But I would never force a girl to get a boy hair cut - not even for a good reason like getting gum stuck or having lice.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

If you've ever fought with tangled long hair then you know the answer. Every summer I ask my daughter if she wants her cut short enough that it doesn't need to be tied up and she always says yes. Of course she's 12.5 now, but we've been doing this for years. With swimming and sports it's just easier because even if it's tied up you always have those wisps that come lose and are in your face. When I was a kid I had an incredibly sensitive scalp and could not stand ponytails or anything in my hair so my mother always kept my hair short. Hope these are good enough reasons and if not they are for me.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

i dont no i dont think hair so shourt they look like a boy is nice at all but i think a little bob is cute and iseasy to manage

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

I always had short hair when I was young- I hated it when my parents brushed my hair, and hair pins and ties hurt.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

We cut my daughter's hair because she wanted to donate her ponytail to the Locks Of Love organization.

She was impatient, and didn't want to wait another couple months. So once we cut off 10" (the minimum amount they can take), all she had left was a short spikey funky little 'do. She got more compliments on that hairstyle than I think I've received in my life's worth of hairstyles! It grew out, it's to her shoulders again, and it's not that big a deal.

She got some teasing for "boy hair" as you describe. But she had little clips in her hair, and I reminded her why she'd done it, and she didn't let it get to her.

There are a lot of good reasons for short styles.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

I have a seven yr. old daughter that wishes she were a boy. She wants to dress like a boy and hated having her beautiful long hair combed and always put any kind of hat she could find on to cover her head. We got it cut like a pixie cut and of course people often think she's a boy, which is hard. But she is now happy to have her head showing and loves her new look. I comb it in the crazy-messy look so it looks modern and somewhat girlish but she hates any pink or girl cloths so that is a problem. I let her do it because I love her and I want to her to love herself whoever she chooses to be or to look like, within limits of course. Its her body.

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

My parents cut my hair when I was less then 4 years old. I looked cute. It was easy for my parents because they didn't have to brush it and it wasn't too hot during the summer.

When I got a little older there was one time when I put gum in my own hair and then had to give myself a little haircut. (My parents still don't know about it.)

Why do parents cut their little girls hair so short?

Girls with short hair drive me crazy!! I think it's easier to take care of. Parents are thinking of themselves and their own available time instead of how the little girl looks. Selfish!!

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