Friday, April 27, 2012

In my dream i cut my hair short?

well normally i have long hair, down to about the middle of my back, dark brown in color. in the dream it went down to the small of my back and was a bit darker. and in the dream i had some scissors, i walked around a bit then cut off a chunk of my hair down to my shoulder. only part of it tho. then i walked around a bit more, cut off another chunk, then like four more times i walked around and cut off a chunk of my hair. i cut it real short, like and inch or two above my shoulders. and i was outside my body, watching myself, but also controlling myself.

In my dream i cut my hair short?

To dream that you are cutting your hair, suggests that you are experiencing a loss in strength. You may feel that someone is trying to censor you. Alternatively, you may be reshaping your thinking or ambitions and eliminating unwanted thoughts/habits.

In my dream i cut my hair short?

Maybe you really want to get your hair cut short and you just don't really realize it. ??

In my dream i cut my hair short?

Cutting of hair is symbolic to a variety of things. Since you were doing the cutting it means you feel a loss of control with yourself/your waking life and by cutting your hair you are attempting gaining control of SOMETHING. It can also signify transitions occurring in your life. Like the saying goes "out with the old". You are cutting away the past - cutting away things that are weighing you down and attempting tot start anew. Evaluate whatever is going on in your life. Find ways to gain control little by little. :-)

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